Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Painted my Homunculus today. so everything is done!!!!! pics will be up in 10 days or so.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

One more left -

I got one more model to paint.

Homunculus. Then all my dark eldar will be done. lately i've just been grinding through all my models to get them all finished ASAP so i can finally play with them at the store. A lot of details have been missed. Lines not kept neat and colours a bit off sometimes cause i ran out of certain colours. But at the end of the day, it's too much to ask for an absolute warhammer amateur to paint at top quality. It's exhausting, de-motivating and ultimately quite harmful. I've just done all my guys in batches and I don't mind the result to be honest. At least they're done.

I also helped my friend paint her Everqueen. Spent a good couple of hours on it and I really like the end result! It's been a while since Ive had so much pfun painting warhammer, probably not since I painted Wulfrik and Festus. I think i'll touch up on my 40k figures in the future, but right now, quick and dirty is the way for me.

Once I get my last model painted, I'll post pics of the whole army. yey